
Jennifer Aniston's Most Iconic Hair Looks

Jennifer Aniston got her big break in Hollywood when she played the character of Rachel Green on Friends, the wildly popular weekly show which replaced Seinfeld as America's favorite comedy.
When the show premiered in 1994, Jennifer's hairstyle was nice, but nothing special. In the second season, however, she had a sharp new haircut which became so popular it turned her into a hairstyle icon.
The haircut was named after her character: "The Rachel." As pictured above, it is a bouncy, angled and layered shag.
Although Jennifer seems to get the credit, The Rachel is the creation of Los Angeles hairstylist Chris McMillan.
After Friends became a hit with women, they saw Rachel every week, and soon everyone and their sister wanted The Rachel. No woman's hairdo had been so popular since "The Farrah" by Farrah Fawcett on Charlie's Angels in the '70s.

[+] Jennifer Aniston with The Rachel Haircut on the cover of Sophisticate's Hairstyle Guide (June/July 1996)
"I see about a million people," said John Barrett, who at the time was the new Friends hairstylist. "And everyone, from sophisticated socialites to regular folks, comes in the salon and says, 'Give me Rachel's haircut.' "
Several years later, after the hairstyle was finally no longer in fashion, almost half of women polled said they got The Rachel.

